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Comprehensive Retirement Services

This includes a written plan that encompasses the big picture and the details of all the major aspects of your retirement plan with a retirement “stress test.” 

Retirement Risk Management

This includes examining all the different strategies that allow you to manage the seven major risks in retirement, while also maintaining opportunity for growth. In addition, this covers subtle planning, such as what are the best types of accounts to hold the best types of assets. 

Income Planning & Investment Strategies for Withdrawals

This includes examining the four or five different ways to generate income needed in retirement, while exploring which strategy or strategies will work best for you.

Long Term Care Plan

In general, the costs and complications of long-term care and health care during retirement can be mind-boggling, but we find, the better retirees are prepared, the less problems occur later. We go through a process to break it all down and figure out what is the best way to deal with these issues given your circumstances

Tax Strategies

We cover the critical tax items pertaining to your investments that our clients need to be aware of. Often times, retirees are faced with tax items they’ve never dealt with before, such as paying quarterly estimates on IRA withdrawals or using before tax dollars (IRA’s and 401k’s) and after tax dollars strategically.

Estate Plan

We help our clients think through their estate plan, which can be as simple as a basic will, or as complicated as Irrevocable Grantor Trusts, Charitable remainder trusts, or, if there are businesses or illiquid assets involved, trying to equalize the estate for the next generation. We believe helping clients think through how to pass on their assets has been one of our most valuable services, as John has vast experience in this area, strategically and financially.

Mouganis Financial Services does not provide legal or tax advice. You should consult a legal or tax professional regarding your individual situation.

Social Security Strategies

We have state-of-the-art software and John has in-depth experience in deciphering what the best Social Security strategies are for you.

Wealth Management

Along with LPL’s support we provide a full service array of pre-retirement wealth management services, including comprehensive financial planning, asset management, tax planning, and of course the retirement planning which is the primary focus of the firm.

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